Communication Champion Role:
A Communication Champion will be the link practitioner for colleagues within your team with regards to Speech, Language and Communication (SLC) as the ever-growing need of children with SLC continues.
Skills of a Champion:
- Be passionate about the importance of children’s communication and language and recognise how communication is a fundamental lifelong skill for learning.
- Have attended Talk for All, two-day course or virtual course run by Bedfordshire Speech and Language Therapy Service.
- Attend half termly supervision/study groups to keep skills up to date (Communication Champion Forums).
Role of Champion:
- Ensure parents are aware of any local support or information, i.e., contribute to the parent information board and or newsletter.
- Support colleagues in their knowledge and give relevant information. Be available and willing to answer queries.
- Have up to date knowledge of SLC. Maintain own CPD by attending half termly Communication Champion Forums, keeping up to date with new training and reading.
- Highlight any training needs for self and or other staff members to management.
- Ensure a focus on communication is maintained in staff meetings.
- Develop activities and strategies to enhance children’s Communication and Language in your place of work.
- Ensure a best practice approach with all staff in your locality in supporting children’s communication skills.
- Refer children to Speech and Language Therapy in a timely manner, as appropriate.
- Ensure liaison with outside agencies where appropriate, e.g., Inclusion Officers, Speech and Language Therapist, Audiology etc.
What Champions should know:
- What resources are available that specifically support children’s SLC.
- How the needs of individual children with SLC needs are being met.
- If staff are confident in their practice around Communication and Language.
- Who to liaise with and how and where to get support.
To find out more about developing a Communication Champion in your team, the training available and dates of Communication Champion Forums, contact