Elklan: A training course for staff (Schools in Central Bedfordshire Council)
Every mainstream school in Central Bedfordshire has an opportunity to attend Elklan training and create a ‘Communication Champion team’. A Communication Champion team consists of three members of staff, usually the SENCo, a Teacher and a Teaching Assistant, who are able to demonstrate an enhanced knowledge of or a specialist interest in Speech, Language and Communication Needs (SLCN). Upon completion of Elklan training, these members of staff are recognised as ‘Communication Champions’ who can then proceed to promote Speech, Language and Communication development for ALL pupils within their schools, by sharing and implementing the knowledge, skills, and tools that they learn from the training with other members of staff.
We have now trained over 180 staff from 64 schools across Central Bedfordshire; this is over 50% of mainstream schools in the area.
The training is written for staff supporting children and young people with SLCN in schools. It equips them with innovative tools and methods to enhance children and young people’s (CYP) learning in the classroom and promotes quality first teaching. The training uses relevant teaching methods including practical activities, videos, and group discussion to engage learners.
The training is delivered through 10 modules, completed over an 11-week period. Each week, learners complete an online e-Learning session via the Elklan website and prepare for the upcoming virtual webinar. This can be done at a time that best suits the learner. Learners then participate in a weekly virtual webinar which is held on a set day and time each week. The training will be delivered virtually via Zoom; you will require to a device with a camera and microphone in order to participate. Learners then need to plan and implement knowledge and strategies learnt that week in order to complete a weekly online e-Learning Log. This can be done at a time that best suits the learner. Upon passing their Learning Log, learners will gain accreditation at Level 2 or Level 3.
By attending this course, we hope you will:
- Increase your capacity to identify and support CYP with SLCN
- Strengthen your understanding of the impact of Speech, Language and Communication difficulties on CYP
- Be able to identify CYP with Speech, Language and Communication difficulties and confidently refer these pupils for additional support
- Understand and be able to implement strategies at a universal and targeted level to support CYP with Speech, Language and Communication difficulties
- Understand the development of English as an Additional Language and how best to support this in the classroom
There are two courses to choose from:
- Speech and language support for 5-11s (primary school age)
- Speech and language support for 11-16s (secondary school age)
- Middle schools are encouraged to identify four members of staff, with two attending the 5-11s course and two attending the 11-16s course
- Schools with less than 100 pupils can identify one/two Communication Champions, one of whom needs to be SENCo / Senior Leader, and attend the appropriate course
FREE for schools in Central Bedfordshire (cancellation fees may apply)
Upcoming Dates:
Autumn 2023 cohorts – fully booked
Spring 2024 cohorts:
5-11s course, Thursdays 1.30-2.30pm:
29th February
7th March
14th March
21st March
28th March
18th April
25th April
2nd May
9th May
16th May
23rd May
11-16s course, Tuesdays 2-3pm:
13th February
27th February
5th March
12th March
19th March
26th March
16th April
23rd April
30th April
7th May
14th May
To register your interest
Identify your Communication Champion team, then send an email to SENDtraining@centralbedfordshire.gov.uk with the name of the three Communication Champions, their roles and email addresses.
Priority will be given to those schools who submit the details for three appropriate Communication Champions.
For more information, please see the attached flyer here.
If you have any further questions, please email ccs.beds.childrens.slt.training@nhs.net