Talking Takes Off Takeaway Workshops – training available in Luton

Talking Takes Off is committed as a partnership in Luton to support staff across the workforce to learn how they can support children’s developing communication skills. Come and be part of this ambition.

By attending this workshop we hope you will:

  • describe what typical communication and language development looks like: what to expect at each stage of development and when to be concerned
  • provide you with the Luton context in relation to communication and language needs and introduce you to the Luton Communication and Language pathway from pregnancy to five
  • introduce you to the Communication and Language screening tool to support early identification
  • clarify how this work supports the demands of your service: how you can measure impact and how you can support within your individual role
  • understand the role of Communication Champions and how they might support your service.
  • introduce you to the new Talking Takes Off Luton messages and provide you with some useful resources to take away

The course is aimed at

  • Luton professionals who work directly with families and children in both the children’s and adults’ workforce
  • Luton professionals whose role requires them to be in contact with families (they may not work directly with families but could still promote key messages within their service)
  • Luton colleagues who work in the Voluntary and Community Sector

Cost: FREE

For upcoming dates and to book, visit: